If you're looking to declutter your wardrobe and make some extra cash, selling your preloved items online is a fantastic option. Depop and Vinted are two of the most popular platforms for this, but which one should you choose? In this blog post, we'll break down the key features, pros, and cons of each platform to help you decide where to sell your items.


Overview: Depop is a social shopping app that combines the ease of mobile shopping with the feel of a social media platform. It’s particularly popular among young, fashion-forward users and is known for its trendy, vintage, and unique items.

Key Features:

  • User Interface: Depop’s interface is similar to Instagram, making it visually appealing and easy to use.
  • Social Features: Sellers can follow other users, like items, and leave comments, creating a community feel.
  • Global Reach: Depop allows sellers to reach buyers worldwide, expanding your potential market.
  • Listing Fees: Depop charges a 10% fee on each sale, plus standard PayPal transaction fees.


  • Trendy Audience: Ideal for selling unique, vintage, and trendy items.
  • Social Integration: The social media-like interface can help build a following and increase sales.
  • Worldwide Audience: Access to a global market increases the chances of finding buyers for niche items.


  • Listing Fees: The 10% fee per sale can add up, especially for lower-priced items.
  • Competition: The platform is saturated with sellers, making it harder to stand out without significant effort.


Overview: Vinted is a community-based marketplace specifically designed for selling and buying secondhand fashion. It has a straightforward approach and is growing rapidly in popularity across Europe and the UK.

Key Features:

  • User Interface: Vinted’s interface is simple and user-friendly, focusing on functionality over aesthetics.
  • Community Feel: Emphasises a friendly, supportive community where users can interact and share experiences.
  • No Selling Fees: Unlike Depop, Vinted doesn’t charge sellers a fee on sales, making it a more cost-effective option.
  • Buyer Protection: Offers a buyer protection fee, which provides security for both buyers and sellers.


  • No Selling Fees: Sellers keep 100% of their sales, making it more profitable for lower-priced items.
  • Easy to Use: The straightforward interface makes listing items quick and easy.
  • Supportive Community: The community aspect can lead to positive interactions and repeat buyers.


  • Market Reach: Vinted is primarily focused on Europe and the UK, limiting the potential global audience.
  • Limited Audience: May not be as suitable for niche or highly trendy items compared to Depop.

So, which one should you choose?

The choice between Depop and Vinted ultimately depends on what you’re selling and your preferences as a seller. Here’s a quick comparison to help you decide:

  • If You’re Selling Trendy or Vintage Items: Depop is the better choice due to its fashion-forward user base and social media-like interface. It’s great for unique, one-of-a-kind pieces that appeal to a younger audience.
  • If You’re Selling Everyday Clothing: Vinted is ideal for selling regular, everyday clothing items thanks to its no-fee structure and supportive community. It’s perfect if you want to maximise your profits without worrying about selling fees.
  • If You Want a Global Audience: Depop’s global reach gives you access to a wider market, which is beneficial if you’re selling niche items that may appeal to buyers worldwide.
  • If You Prefer a No-Fee Structure: Vinted allows you to keep 100% of your sales, which can be a significant advantage, especially for lower-priced items.


Both Depop and Vinted offer unique advantages for sellers, and the best platform for you will depend on your specific needs and goals. Consider the type of items you’re selling, your target audience, and how much you’re willing to pay in fees. By weighing these factors, you can choose the platform that will help you make the most of your preloved items and enjoy a successful selling experience.